What is Light? Maxwell and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Color and Refraction
NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Attribute of Light Science Still Can't Explain
Absorption, Line, Emission and Continuous Spectra
The Formation of the Solar System and the Structure of the Sun
Introduction to Heliophysics
Show transcript
Sun 101 | National Geographic
How the Sun Shines: The Nuclear Reactions that Power the Sun
Show transcript
Dark Secrets of the Sun NOVA Special Universe Documentary
When A Solar Storm Engulfs Earth
General Astronomy Test - Types of Spectra
Q1: What type of spectrum is produced by a low-density cloud of gas that is heated by nearby stars or other energy sources?
Q2: What type of spectrum is produced when light passes through a cool gas and elements absorb specific wavelengths?
Q3: Which type of spectrum is produced by a hot, low-density gas that emits light at specific wavelengths?
Q4: Which type of spectrum contains dark lines at specific wavelengths that correspond to the absorption of light by specific elements?
Q5: Which type of spectrum can be used to determine the composition of stars and other celestial objects?
Q6: What type of spectrum is produced when an incandescent solid, liquid, or gas emits light across a continuous range of colors?
Q7: What type of spectrum is produced when light passes through a cool gas and atoms absorb specific wavelengths?
Q8: Which type of spectrum can be used to determine the composition of stars and other celestial objects?
Q9: Which type of spectrum is produced by a source that emits light at all visible wavelengths?
Q10: What type of spectrum is produced by a hot solid, liquid, or dense gas and shows a continuous range of colors?
Q11: What type of spectrum is produced by a hot solid, liquid, or dense gas and shows a continuous range of colors?
Q12: What type of spectrum is produced by a hot, thin gas that emits light only at specific wavelengths?
Q13: What type of spectrum is produced when an electric current is passed through a low-pressure gas and the gas emits light at specific wavelengths?
Q14: Which type of spectrum is also known as a dark-line spectrum?
Q15: What type of spectrum is produced when light is emitted by excited atoms in a high-temperature gas?
Q16: What type of spectrum is produced when light passes through a hot, low-density gas and atoms absorb specific wavelengths?
Q17: What type of spectrum is produced when an incandescent solid, liquid, or gas emits light across a continuous range of colors?
Q18: Which type of spectrum is also known as a dark-line spectrum?
Q19: What type of spectrum is produced by a low-density cloud of gas that is heated by nearby stars or other energy sources?
Q20: Which type of spectrum is produced by a hot, low-density gas that emits light at specific wavelengths?
Insert the missing elements (marked by sign "?") in the sequences shown, making assumptions about the rules for forming these sequences.
0 1 2 3 4 ? 6 7 8 9
a b c d e ? g h i j
0 2 4 6 8 ? 12 14 16 18
0 1 4 9 16 ? 36 49 64 81
0 3 6 9 12 ? 18 21 24 27
0 -2 -2 0 4 ? 18 28 40 54
Su Mo Tu We Th ? Sa
z o t t f ? s s e n
1 0 0 0 1 ? 1 0 2 1
M V E M J ? U N
c u d t c ? s s o n
0 1 3 6 10 ? 21 28 36 45
r o y g ? i v
1 1 2 6 24 ? 720 5040 40320 362880
1 9 36 ? 126 126 ? 36 9 1
G X U V I ? R L
da h k M G ? P E Z Y
d c m μ n ? f a z y
o t h t m ? t q q s