
Monday, March 17, 2025

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Watch This Space
Whether you're a seasoned Trekkie, an Alien aficionado, or just a raw space recruit, Watch This Space is your guide to the very best sci-fi entertainment.

If you're wondering what to watch - either streaming or at the movie theatre - then we've got you covered. Our monthly newsletter spans all the latest sci-fi and space-themed movies and TV shows, along with video games, books, and more. We also dabble in time travel, looking back at historic franchises to see how the classics shaped the modern sci-fi landscape (and whether they're worth revisiting now).
Want a preview of what's inside?
Check out the latest issue.
Night Sky This Week
Whether you're a seasoned stargazer or just beginning to explore the night sky, our weekly skywatching newsletter has everything you need to make the most of your celestial adventures.

Each week, we'll guide you through the must-see events, from planetary conjunctions to meteor showers, and keep you updated on moon phases so you can plan the perfect night under the stars. Plus, we'll showcase stunning astrophotos from fellow skywatchers — maybe your next shot will be featured!

With so much to discover, all you have to do is look up.
Want a preview of what's inside?
Check out the latest issue.
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Fraser Cain

Publisher, Universe Today

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Fraser Cain

Publisher, Universe Today

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